Ten months have passed since the one hundred willing volunteers committed themselves to being tattooed with an image of one of the most endangered species from around the UK. Since last November our army of Ambassadors have been extremely busy working alone, in groups and with conservation groups raising money and awareness about their species, below are just a few examples of the achievements so far;
Nick Dixon - Ambassador for the Western Capercaille.
As well as visiting his species, Nick has also raised £302.00 and continues to raise awareness through his Friends of Capercaille, Manchester Branch Conservation Support Group affiliated to the RSPB (The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds), currently their are 67 members of the Friends of the Capercaille, Manchester Branch and he is eager to expand this group further.
Michelle Gillian - Ambassador for the Bottlenosed Dolphin.
Michelle is supporting her species by adopting some dolphins that inhabit the seas around Moray Firth in Scotland, through the WDCS (Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society) conservation scheme. On Sunday 26th September 2010, Michelle plans to swim one mile through the Salford Keys, she has already raised £395.00 for WDCS but is dedicated to raise more, if you wish to sponsor her please visit her jut giving donation page.
Cali Lelliott - Ambassador for the Sand Lizard.
Cali has raised over £1000.00 for the Marine Conservation Society on behalf of her species, the Sand Lizard. Cali will soon be doing a quadrant survey for reptiles as part of the NARRS (National Amphibian and Reptile Recording Scheme) survey 2010.
Congratulations to the ambassadors above and to all for supporting your species.
Please do keep UHC updated and email kate@uhc.org.uk with your activities.
Photography by Tom Bing.