ARTS & CRAFTS - Get involved with a variety of creative activites for all ages.
Drop-in, free, all ages, Discovery Centre, Floor G.
11am-4pm: Create your own animal ears & explore our bag of beasts.
11am-1pm & 2-4pm: Become a mini Ambassador and get your own temporary tattoo of an endangered species.
TALKS - Enjoy fun and informative talks from conservation experts.
Drop-in, free, all ages, Discovery Centre, Floor G.
12.30pm: The plight of the European Hedgehog.
Hugh Warwick, author of A Prickly Affair, has been studying hedgehogs for over 25 years and became the extInked ambassador for the animal back in 2009. He will be talking about his fascination (obsession) with these wonderfully charismatic beasts and why he thinks that they are the most important wild animal on the planet. Learn about their prickles, their habits and why they are disappearing from the countryside and our towns and cities and leave knowing how to make the world a better place for our delightful hedgehogs.
1.30pm: Fauna & Flora International & The Native Oyster.
extInked Ambassador, Elizabeth Allen has been passionate about conservation her whole life, so much so she got a job at leading conservation charity. She will be talking about her experience of becoming an extInked Ambassador for the Native Oyster and the fantastic work of Fauna and Flora International.
2.30pm: The Marine Conservation Society - Biodiversity, Fisheries and Pollution.
Rebecca Lowe, Conservation Support Officer at the Marine Conservation Society is stopping by to talk about the importance of marine conservation and what initiatives the MSC are currently focused on. The Marine Conservation Society has worked with UHC since 2009 to support the extInked project as a project partner.
FILM SCREENINGS - Enjoy a series of family friendly short films all about Bugs & Insects.
Drop-in, free, ages 7 and above, Kanaris Theatre, Floor 2.
2.00-3.00pm: Films include Roberto & the Insect Architect and Shaun the Sheep, Buzz off Bees.